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Redefine Security, Redefine Speed:

Accelerate with Confidence through DevSecOps Mastery.

"We revolutionize your development pipeline with our DevSecOps expertise, ensuring seamless integration of security practices throughout the software development life-cycle for robust, secure, and agile solutions."

Organizations say they are incorporating security earlier in the software development lifecycle  and we're seeing actual results in the number of vulnerabilities discovered by developers and the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for security testing and code checks. However, friction remains in the form of unclear responsibilities and expanding toolchains.

DevOps and DevSecOps are taking over


of respondents, they were reported using DevOps or DevSecOps methodologies, up from 47% in 2022.

The shift left is getting real

of security professionals said they have either shifted left or plan to in the next three years.


of security professionals said at least a quarter of all security vulnerabilities are being spotted by developers, up from 53% in 2022.


Driving efficiencies with AI

of developers said they are using artificial intelligence and machine learning in testing efforts or will be in the next three years.


Too many security tools

of security respondents said they use six or more tools, compared to 48% of developers and 50% of operations professionals.


Why DevSecOps?

Complexity in cloud environments

As stated in the 2021 Flexera State of the Cloud Report, a staggering of enterprises are employing multiple public clouds. These multi-cloud setups commonly incorporate diverse arrays of cloud services and extensively employ automation. However, these practices also introduce challenges for maintaining robust security measures. 

Scarcity of resources and a knowledge gap

According to the stats, of organizations lack sufficient operational expertise of DevSecOps practices. Bridging the knowledge gap is another difficulty with limited employees, resources, and budget constraints. One of the most typical DevSecOps difficulties is a developer's lack of security and compliance competence. 

Spotting and rectifying vulnerabilities

According to findings presented in a Security Boulevard report, organizations that haven't embraced DevSecOps practices have a concerning  of their applications consistently exposed to potential attacks. 

Challenges Faced By Organizations


Application Security

The primary use case for enterprise DevSecOps is application security or AppSec. AppSec is concerned with finding vulnerabilities in code, container images, and third-party dependencies. As part of DevSecOps, application security is a continuous process focusing on finding and fixing issues as early as possible (known as shifting-left).

Infrastructure as Code(IaC) Security

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) turns cloud or on-premises infrastructure configurations into software code files decoupled from the underlying hardware. IaC configuration files automatically deploy and update environments at the scale needed for fast-paced DevOps pipelines. IaC speeds up infrastructure provisioning but also adds complexity, which can cause security vulnerabilities.

Pipeline Security

DevSecOps pipeline consists of multiple component parts, each of which could potentially introduce a vulnerability. Your version control system (VCS), source code repository, test automation suite, and continuous integration/continuous deployment workflows could be exploited to gain access to more valuable data and resources. Plus, these tools must integrate into a cohesive pipeline using

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Web Application Security

Web application security is crucial for protecting online systems. It includes measures like penetration testing, code reviews, and firewalls to prevent data breaches, unauthorized access, and other cyber threats.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in an organization's IT infrastructure to reduce exposure to potential cyber threats and breaches.

Secure DevOps

Secure DevOps integrates security practices into the DevOps pipeline. It ensures security is a priority throughout the software development lifecycle, preventing vulnerabilities and threats from compromising deployments.

Container Security

Container security involves securing containerized applications and environments, including image scanning, runtime protection, access controls, and compliance to prevent vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.

Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scanning is the automated process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing security weaknesses in a system or network, helping organizations proactively address and mitigate potential risks.

Code Repository Security

Code repository security ensures the protection of source code, access controls, and versioning. It prevents unauthorized access, tampering, and leakage of sensitive code and intellectual property.


Encryption in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) safeguards sensitive data by encoding it during storage and transmission within IaC templates and deployments, protecting against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Compliance Checks

Compliance checks validate infrastructure configurations against industry standards, regulations and organizational policies. It ensures that deployed infrastructure adheres to established security and compliance requirements.

Secure Deployment

Secure deployment in IaC involves ensuring that infrastructure is provisioned with security controls, access restrictions, and proper configurations to prevent vulnerabilities and unauthorized access during deployment processes.

Secure Configuration

Secure configuration in IaC involves defining and implementing best security practices and settings in infrastructure templates, ensuring resilience and protection against potential vulnerabilities and attacks.

Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis in IaC reviews infrastructure code for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security issues, enabling early detection and remediation of potential threats in infrastructure-as-code templates.

Secure Image Usage

Secure image usage involves verifying the authenticity and security of images and containers, protecting against vulnerabilities, malware, and ensuring compliance with best practices in deployment and orchestration.

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